Críticas a Alexander Zverev tras su multa por agresión a su ex novia: "Me desconcierta que aún le dejen jugar"

miércoles, 01 noviembre 2023 en 23:30
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Los aficionados reaccionaron contra Alexander Zverev tras ser multado en Alemania por agresión a su ex novia y madre de su hija, Brenda Patea. La fiscalía de Berlín presentó a principios de 2023 una solicitud de orden penal contra el ex número 2 del mundo, acusándole de violencia contra su exnovia, que le causó lesiones físicas.
No es el único caso de violencia en el que se ha visto implicado Zverev, ya que su ex novia Olya Sharypova también ha denunciado ante los medios una situación similar en la que había sido víctima de malos tratos por parte del alemán. Como se ha informado, un tribunal de distrito de Berlín dictó la sentencia. Su nombre no aparece en la sentencia, pero así lo han manifestado los abogados defensores del tenista, que mantienen su inocencia y pretenden demostrarla en el juicio que consideran necesario.
El bufete de abogados Schertz Bergmann, que representa al jugador, declaró: "El procedimiento es escandaloso, no puede tratarse de un procedimiento justo y constitucional. Zverev tomará medidas contra esto por cualquier medio disponible".
En respuesta, los aficionados utilizaron las redes sociales para condenar a Alexander Zverev por estar implicado en casos de violencia de género e incluso pidieron a la ATP que tomara medidas contra el tenista para impedirle participar en el Tour. "Un tribunal alemán ha dictado contra Alexander Zverev una orden de sanción por lesiones corporales contra su exnovia y multas por un total de 450.000 euros. Zverev se ha opuesto a la orden de sanción, lo que significa que probablemente irá a juicio público".
"Todos sabemos que lo hizo. Desconcertado de que todavía se le permita tocar en la gira", publicó un fan en X (antes Twitter). "El salvaje Alexander Zverev entrará mañana en la pista para jugar un partido en el ATPTour como si no hubiera pasado nada", publicó otro aficionado. A continuación, algunos de los mensajes.

Wild that Alexander Zverev will walk on court tomorrow to play a match on the ATP Tour as if nothing's happened.

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


All week we've seen fair and just criticism of the WTA, but it's about time we do the exact same (if not more) to the ATP. Not only have they let Zverev play on as if nothing is wrong for years, they continue to promote him at every chance - all while knowing exactly who he is.

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


A reminder that the ATP has a clause in which it can take actions against a player for bringing the sport into disrepute, something which other sports (certainly in Australia, though admittedly in team sports) have used for something as simple as a bad drunken night out.

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


Some ppl (namely @atptour) still don't get how big of a deal this is. Issuing him with a penalty order literally means that they are confident enough in their case to give him a way out with this deal. And he's still out here playing the tennis like nothing is happening. 🤷‍♀️

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


can't wait for the atp to do absolutely nothing about this! as usual!

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


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I know he won’t go to jail for this but he can at least serve a suspension ban from tennis? I’m not even asking for a permanent suspension either. At least some punishment for gods sake. We already have 2 cases against him.

Tumaini Carayol
Tumaini Carayol

Alexander Zverev has been issued a penalty order for bodily harm against his former girlfriend and fines totalling €450,000 by a German court. Zverev has objected to the penalty order, meaning it will likely go to public trial.…


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